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October 2023 - "The Weekend Transformation of Calvin Dunst" - flash horror story, 1st Prize Winner in Commuter Lit's Halloween Story Contest. Read it here.


September 2023 - "The Artifact", a sci-fi flash fiction story, is published in Sci-Fi Shorts. Read it here.


September 2023 - "The Misfit", a sci-fi flash fiction story, is published in Sci-Fi Shorts. Read it here.


September 2023 - "The Ice Cream Man" a sci-fi flash fiction story is published in Sci-Fi Shorts. Read it here.


September 2023 - "The Final Rewind" a sci-fi flash fiction story, is published in Sci-Fi Shorts. Read it here.


August 2023 - "Snow" a sci-fi flash fiction story, is published in Sci-Fi Shorts. Read it here.


April 2023 - "The Scarecrow's Garden" will be featured in a podcast by CreepyPod in the spring/summer of 2023


May 2022 - "Leap", a flash fiction love story is published in Quibble Magazine. You can read the story here.


May 2022 - "Indigo Dreams", a love poem, is published in Quibble Magazine.


April 2022 - The Mermaid of Agawam Bay, my middle-grade mystery novel, is available in e-book and paperback on Amazon. Read it for free with Kindle Unlimited! See more details here


January 2022 - A flash CNF, "Foxfire," published in Hippocampus Literary Magazine

Read it here


December 2021 - An accompanying essay I wrote, titled "Let a Little Magic In", was published in The Peak - Shenandoah Literary Magazine of Washington and Lee University.


December 2021 - An excerpt from my YA fantasy novel, The Mermaid of Agawam Bay, was featured in Shenandoah Literary Magazine of Washington and Lee University.


October 2021 - "The Call", a short fantasy story, was the Winner of The Writing Quarter Short Story Contest in August. Read it here


October 2021 - My Author's Spotlight interview with Epoch Press. Check it out here


September 2021 - "Foxfire", a flash CNF piece, will be published in Hippocampus Literary Magazine in February 2022.


September 2021 - "How Does Your Garden Grow?", a short horror story, published in Vanishing Point Magazine. Read the story for free here. Buy the magazine here.


August 2021 - An excerpt from my YA mystery novel, The Mermaid of Agawam Bay, will be published by Shenandoah Literary Magazine in their Fall 2021 issue


June 2021 - "Cranberry Town" - a micro CNF, published by Epoch Press for their "Roots" issue. Read it here


May 2021 - "Ghosts of Tortellini Past" - flash story with recipe, published in 86Logic Issue 4. Read it here


March 2021 - "Scratch" - a flash horror story, published in Issue 7 of 3 Moon Magazine,  April 2021. Read it here


January 2021 - "No Dogs Allowed". a middle-grade short story, published in La Presa Literary Journal Issue 11. Read it here


December 2020 - "Just We Two", my creepy doll horror story, published in Scare Street Publishing's newest horror anthology, Night Terrors Volume 12 - Buy the book here


December 2020 - "Flights of Fancy", my short fantasy piece, made it to the semifinals of the Doris Betts Fiction Prize competition, judged by North Carolina Literary Review


November 2020 - "The Haunted Garden" poem published in The Spectre Review Literary Magazine Fall 2020 issue. Read it here


October 2020 - "Hospitality, New Hampshire", a ghost story, published in The Periodical Forlorn

Read it here

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