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Shell St. James is a New England writer living in an 1895 farmhouse in the foothills of North Carolina. Her work has appeared in over twenty magazines, anthologies, and podcasts, including Shenandoah Literary Magazine, Sci Fi Shorts, and CreepyPod. Her first novel, The Mermaid of Agawam Bay is now available on Amazon. Click here to read it for free on Kindle Unlimited.


She writes both adult and middle grade fiction. Her short stories have appeared in :

SPOOKY Magazine

Commuter Lit

Sci Fi Shorts


Emergence (anthology)

Quibble Magazine

The Writing Quarter

Shenandoah Magazine

Hippocampus Magazine

The Vanishing Point

Night Terrors 12 (anthology)

Epoch Press

3 Moon Magazine

86 Logic Magazine

Touchstone Press

Theme of Absence

La Presa Literary Journal

The Spectre Review

Share Your Scare (anthology)

The Elephant Ladder

Periodical, Forlorn


 An excerpt of her novel "The Mermaid of Agawam Bay" was featured in Shenandoah Magazine's Fall 2021 issue, along with an accompanying essay, titled, "Let a Little Magic In."


Connect with her on Twitter@shellstjames1 or drop her a line at

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